Purpose of volunteer levy
There are many tasks associated with the running of our club and at present there are too few volunteers leaving too few people carrying too much load.
The levy provides a financial incentive to members and parents to become more involved with the Club and the myriad of activities necessary to make it run smoothly.
A number of factors are driving our needs to increase our volunteering:
- Objective to keep playing costs as low as possible for our members in an environment of increasing cost push i.e. Association fees from Hockey Albury Wodonga, Hockey Victoria, and Hockey Australia, increasing uniform and equipment costs.
- Remain as an attractive destination Club for parents and players.
- Foster a culture of which we are proud of.
- Increasingly difficulty in obtaining and maintaining a “right” level of commercial sponsorship.
- Our strategy to develop Club facilities.
- Aim to continue improving services and offerings to our members.
Amount of volunteer levy and time of payment
The amount of the volunteer levy will be determined prior to the start of each winter season. For 2019 the levy will be $100 per adult player and $50 per junior player and will be added to player registration fees.
For families of two or more players, the levy will be a maximum of $150.
REFUNDABLE — If you put in some volunteer hours.
Full documents here: