Learn a Skill

3D skills

3D skills: many defenders say that one of the hardest things to defend is when players use 3D skills. Using a controlled lift is very effective to use against players who like to make flat stick tackles. 3d skills occur when the ball is carried on the stick in the air either in one direction or by….


Deception: although this one is not technically a skill, it is an aspect which is important to develop if you want to pull off a lot of the skills mentioned above. If you can be deceptive about what you are going to do, it makes it harder for the opposition and will give you more space and time …

Flat stick tackle

Flat stick tackle: all players should be able to make a clean flat stick tackle, including forwards and even goalkeepers. Bad tackles are normally made when you get caught in a bad position or are mis-timed. Poor body position, being caught flat footed, committing too early are all examples of things that can lead to making bad tackles …


Tips for goalkeepers Keep your weight forwards at all times. Keep your hands in a high and open position when facing shots. When diving or smothering always look to land or slide on your hips. Try to stay relaxed and always watch the ball. Enjoy being in goal.

Leading & positioning

Leading & Positioning: players need to be able get into good positions if they want to receive the ball. Leading well allows you to have more time on the ball and to make better decisions. There are various types of leads you can make and can vary depending upon your position. Timing is a crucial factor to consider as a great lead is not …

Moving with the ball

When moving forward with the ball, the key message is that the ball should remain in contact with the stick. There will however be times in game contexts that a player may recognise a space in front and decide to push the ball into the space and run after it. This should be the exception …


Passing: good plays come from accurate passing so it is a crucial aspect to cover. This point could be a number of different skills which also depends on the position you play. Do not telegraph your passes, use deception to move the defender one way and pass the other. The pass should end up on the …

Penalty corner

Attack The types of variations utilised by teams depends largely on whether the team has a competent drag flicker or relies on a hit. In lower aged junior hockey, teams do not necessarily have a player capable of stick trapping for a hitter, or a player who can consistently hit or drag flick. Defence The …


Scoring goals requires Composure; focus on what you need to do to get on target Belief; be confident that you are going to score Deception; be unpredictable, don’t just do the obvious, change your angle, take a quick shot  Avoid perfection; get as many attempts as possible Always be ready; get into goal scoring positions, …

The drag

The drag: (dummy) is one of the most essential elimination skills and is useful for most positions. The aim of playing a 1 v 1 is to eliminate an opponent. This can be done by the attacker tricking the opponent into moving away from the space that they want to run into. As soon as the opponent follows the attacker, the attacker …

The hit

The hit is a powerful means of distributing the ball over both short and longer distances. Due to the speed of execution of a hit, it has the benefit of greater deception than a slap. The hit and the push are the two distribution skills covered in this book. The difference between a hit and …

The jab or poke tackle

The jab or poke tackle: is one of the most under used skills which applies to all positions whether it is a striker or midfielder tracking back or a defender trying to break down an attack.The aim of the jab tackle is to put the player on the ball under pressure, change the direction of the ball or show them …

The push

The push is an accurate and deceptive method distances, and is a good option when releasing the ball under pressure. During the execution of the push the stick stays in contact with the ball giving the player greater control of the ball and less chance of being dispossessed. The push can be performed with deception. …


Tomahawk: although it can be a difficult skill to master, it is definitely a skill worth practicing especially if play on the left hand side. Defenders can use the tomahawk to clear balls down the line, midfielders could use it to cross the ball in and strikers to shoot at goal from various angles. This shot is played with the edge of …

Your first touch

Receiving on the Fore stick The intention of players when receiving the ball on the fore stick, is to control the ball with a one touch receiving technique. This allows a player to undertake their next movement without delay or undue pressure. During the game players will be under pressure from opponents and need to …