3D skills:
3D skills: many defenders say that one of the hardest things to defend is when players use 3D skills. Using a controlled lift is very effective to use against players who like to make flat stick tackles. 3d skills occur when the ball is carried on the stick in the air either in one direction or by changing the direction of the ball in the air by changing the direction of the stick face under the ball. They are an extension of a drag and jink with the ball remaining on the stick for longer periods of time.
3D skills – elimination 1
The most important thing when you get the ball in the air is that it stays controlled so that you can make another movement. We do that by using the power of the body to push the stick onto the ball and not by moving your hands/arms.
Please note: the learner is making the mistake on the reverse lift by turning their stick underneath and not over the ball as they were instructed.
3D skills – elimination 2
The most important thing when you get the ball in the air is that it stays controlled so that you can make another movement. We do that by using the power of the body to push the stick onto the ball and not by moving your hands/arms.
3D skills – the art of 3D skills
Use a line or someone else’s stick to practice bringing the ball up and over, just to get the movement going. This skill is great to use in a game when the defenders are committed you just lift the ball over their stick. It is also used when you are in a tight space.